Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Has Your Attention?

What is occupying your time? Is it the blogs are you reading? Are there some that you should just unsubscribe from? Are they imparting anything of value in to your life?

Is it a something? Is there something that has become the main focus of your life, taking away from someone or something else, that may be more important.

Or maybe it's a someone that is occupying your time and energy. Are you spending time with or are you investing time with this person? Are they imparting something into your life? There is a difference between spending and investing. Think about it in terms of money. If you spend money, what do you have to show for it? A trinket. Something that is going to be used up and soon forgotten. If you invest money, what do you have to show for that? Hopefully a good return for the future. (Thank you Pastor Douglas for this illustration. It has stuck with me since the first time I heard you use it.)

There is so much going on in the world right now. So many things screaming for our attention. Too many different directions we could be going. It is too easy to get bogged down in these things and forget what is really important.

I'm not writing this to tell you that you should stop reading blogs, watching the news, don't spend time with that person anymore, or doing whatever it is that you are doing. I'm simply writing this to encourage you to take a moment and consider what are you doing, what is it accomplishing and is there something that you are missing because of this.

I'm also doing it as a reminder to myself. To focus on what is important and not lose sight of that. To invest more and spend less. To speak positive into the lives that I impact.

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