Monday, April 28, 2008

How do you love?

I saw a sign today that said "God loves you whether you like it or not." and it made me think, do I love people that way? Or do I place conditions on my love? And do I love them even if they don't love me back?

As a mother, my love for my child is unconditional. I may not like her behavior some times, but I will always love her. As a wife, my love for my husband is also unconditional. But he too bugs me sometimes. And I'm sure I bug him too.

But what about others around us? Do we love them based on what they can do for us? What they can give us? Or do we love them just for who they are with no strings attached. Just like God loves us.

Just something to think about...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Carpe Diem

Did you seize the day today? A more literal translation of carpe, according to Wiki-pedia is "harvest". So did you harvest what today has to offer? Each day comes with all sorts of different opportunities, both good and bad. What will you choose?

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about how we live our lives - worrying about the small things, let other peoples actions influence our attitude, and generally just getting by day to day not really enjoying life. But what if we lived each day with our focus solely on that day and not on what is out of our control tomorrow or what is past? How would we treat people? What would we say? Better yet, what would we do?

I've met many people who aren't happy in their lives and they blame the world around them for their circumstances. And I've met others who live with their focus on that particular day or moment or person that they are with. Ask yourself, who would you rather hang out with? I know when I am around a person who has nothing but negativity surrounding them it brings me down real fast and affects me for the rest of the day. But when I am around those who have a love for life and what they are doing it makes even the darkest of days brighter.

What if we all took responsibility for our own actions, attitudes, and words - how would that change things? I personally am trying to live this way, and it's hard. No doubt about that. I have to remind myself each day that it's a good day and I'm going to have a good attitude and I'm going to do what is placed in front of me that day. And by doing this, I've noticed a difference in my life and in the lives of those around me. I've noticed that the people that I used to hang around who would do nothing but bring me down, aren't really around anymore. And those that impart good things into my life are around a whole lot more.

Seize the day! For those of you who haven't seen the movie Dead Poets Society, go rent it. It's a great movie. And when you are done with that one, go rent Life As A House. It will remind you how we should all live our lives.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

In a box...

"Fox. Socks. Box. Knox. Knox in box. Fox in socks. Knox on fox in socks in box. Socks on Knox and Knox in box. Fox in socks on box on Knox. ... And here's a new trick, Mr. Knox... socks on chicks and chicks on fox. Fox on clocks on bricks and blocks. Bricks and blocks on Knox on box." And so it goes in "Fox in Socks."

I've been thinking a lot about boxes. Not necessarily the physical boxes so much, but the mental boxes. The tendency we all have to put people in a box.
We have one for work, one for school, one for church, one for this and one for that. But what would happen if we let those around us out of the box? What would we find? Would we be willing to accept people for the way they are or would we want to quickly stuff them back in the box we took them out of.

Have you ever thought about how you would describe your box? Is it a cardboard box or a treasure box? There is so much pressure from our society to be "perfect", to be the most glamourous of treasure boxes, that when we don't live up to that expectation we think we're just a worthless cardboard box that someone has dumped in the trash.

But consider for a moment the cardboard box and all it's uses. We use it to move things, store things, ship things across the miles, and if you're like my family, you save those boxes and use them again and again and again. But the point I'm trying to make here is we always come back to the cardboard box, while the shiny treasure box just sits on a shelf - collecting dust, until one day it's packed away in yes, a cardboard box and long forgotten.

We have to look beyond the box - and look at what's inside. That's where the true treasure is. And we have to allow people in our lives to see inside our box as well. We have so much to share and give as long as we're willing to open the box.

Friday, April 4, 2008

This journey called life

I just got done reading some other blogs and I am just blown away. Most of the people I am surrounded by these days are at least 10 to 15 years younger (if not more) than me - but their insight into life is so much more mature than people my own age. They understand how God is working in their lives and they actually take the time to stop and listen to what He is telling them. The seek Him with all their heart and follow His guidance. And they willingly and openly share their hearts in their blogs and with those they interact with. I am blessed to be able to call these people friends and though I may not say it often enough, I am thankful everyday to have you all in my life. Your willingness to share speaks volumes into my life and I only hope that I can do the same for someone else some day. I see God in all of you and am so excited to be sharing this journey together.

It's a blog

It seems like everywhere you go these days, everyone has a blog.

So here goes, my first blog.

There's no rhyme or reason to why - just random thoughts in an everyday life.

Here's something to think about... next time you are in a metro area (especially if you happen to be in New York City) listen to the snippets of conversations you happen to pass. It's an interesting thing to do while people watching. If you are a stand up comic, this is a great way to get new material. If you are a normal person, like the rest of us, it's a way to be entertained while trying to reach wherever it is that you are going.

I did this while in NYC, and it was fascinating to hear what all I encountered in a day. There was one gentleman who was carrying on two conversations at once - with two different phones to his ears. All while walking down the street. I guess that's really multi-tasking.

Another woman I overheard was yelling at someone on the other end of the phone - not sure who she was yelling at or any of the details, but I was glad I wasn't the one on the other end.

Most things overheard were just everyday conversations - nothing earth shattering. But it did make me more aware of what I say and where I say it. Which brings to mind the rule that my parents taught me and I am trying to teach my daughter - if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

What would this world be like if we only said nice things to people? Those we don't know and especially those we do. Try it. Go through one day only saying nice things, and see how it makes you feel. Happy Friday.