Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What Makes A Star?

Why do we elevate some of the people that we do, to the level of a "star"? When did politicians go from being someone who worked for the betterment of the country to being a celebrity? And how about CEO's? When did they achieve this status? There are many to be admired for what they have done, the innovations they have brought to us. But what makes them a "star"?

Why isn't the lady who drives the bus and delivers the kids safely to and from school everyday a star? Or the guy who dependably delivers the mail? Or my fourth grade teacher, Mr. Booker? Why don't we recognize them as someone worth celebrating? These are the people we should be acknowledging and thanking. When was the last time you said thank you to the mailman? Do you know his name?

It's time we stop idolizing and worshiping the mass produced man made stars and recognize and celebrate the stars in our every day lives.

One last thought for you to think about. What if Jesus came back today? Would we treat Him like a star? What would He think of that?

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