Friday, April 4, 2008

This journey called life

I just got done reading some other blogs and I am just blown away. Most of the people I am surrounded by these days are at least 10 to 15 years younger (if not more) than me - but their insight into life is so much more mature than people my own age. They understand how God is working in their lives and they actually take the time to stop and listen to what He is telling them. The seek Him with all their heart and follow His guidance. And they willingly and openly share their hearts in their blogs and with those they interact with. I am blessed to be able to call these people friends and though I may not say it often enough, I am thankful everyday to have you all in my life. Your willingness to share speaks volumes into my life and I only hope that I can do the same for someone else some day. I see God in all of you and am so excited to be sharing this journey together.

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