Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Are you being authentic? Are you being real? It is my hope that through this blog, the writing I do touches you in some way, and that you realize this is the real me. This is who I am. Not perfect (I never claim to be), not a best selling author (maybe someday?), sometimes not a good mother or person (hopefully these days are few and far between - but they do happen), but that I am being who I am called to be. It is on my heart to write and to share what I've learned about life - the good, the bad and even the ugly. And through all that I am trying to be authentic.

I looked up the definition of authentic and here is what I found:
Genuine, not false or copied, being trustworthy, original, the real thing, and real not fake. (Gee almost makes me feel like a bottle of Coke.)

So I hope through my writing I can convey things that are real, sometimes silly and not always serious, because that would just be emotional overload. And if it impacts you, let me know. Comments are always welcome.

**Edited** I had to add a link to this specific blog:
She writes some amazing things. Some of it you may agree with, some of it you may not. But it is a great example of someone else who is being authentic.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link-- and the blogroll!
I appreciate your writings on authenticity-- so true. It's really kind of all about being willing to honestly show up 'as yourself' in your life and with the people around you, isn't it?
Gave me a lot to think about.

Anonymous said...

I am new to the blog world and notice that people keep commenting on how "real" I am. Do you find it common that people are really fake in blog land? I've noticed a few that seem a little unreal. Just curious:-)

Michelle said...

Amy - yes, there are a lot of people out there who create an entirely different identity on their blogs than who they really are. Sometimes you have to take what you read with a grain of salt unless you really know the person.