Friday, October 31, 2008

Random Friday

It's been a crazy week. Not so much busy, but a lot going on in my head more than anywhere else.

* I've been challenged this week. Things people have spoken into my life have challenged me to think more, go deeper, and even lose sleep.

* There are so many things I love to do. But now I have so many unfinished projects, I really must stop starting new things and finish what I've started.

* Mark Hilliard (at had an interesting comment the other day. He was wondering where all the extra campaign money goes. My response "I'd like to know why there is so much money spent on a campaign. So much could have been done with the millions of dollars wasted. Or is it billions?" That's the only political comment I will make on this blog.

* I've been challenged as a parent this week. She has a strong will some times, and the issues of respect and responsibility have been big around here.

* I really must put something on the window by my desk to keep the birds from flying into the window. It is fascinating though to sit here and watch them fly and feed. But where has the "darn" squirrel gone? He hasn't been around lately.

* Welcome to all the new readers I've had this week. I'm going to a blog party next weekend and as part of that, the organizer Heather Whittaker ( created a page to introduce all to each other with short bios. In the past two days I have seen a tenfold increase in my statistics. I'm so looking forward to meeting all of these incredible people.

* Thanks to Dre ( for sharing this laugh this morning. Everyone should laugh at least once a day.

* Thank you to all the other bloggers out there that I read. You share what's on your mind, and you speak into my life and I thank you for your words.

* And I leave you with this question. Are you doing it because you can or because you should?

1 comment:

Cookie Cawthon said...

Looking forward to meeting you SATURDAY! Very excited....