Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Creative Slump

Okay, all you other bloggers and creative people out there - what do you do to spark your creativity?

Personally, I am in a creative slump today. I have a half finished quilt on the design wall that every time I walk into the room reminds me that I haven't finished it yet. I have a bunch of randomly written down notes, each which could be the beginnings of a post, but none seem to "speak" to me today. I'm listening to music that usually inspires me, I've even read a few exercises in "Caffeine For The Creative Mind". And still... nothing.

So what do you do to get that creative spark going?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My favorite way to find inspiration is photos or samples of something I'm trying to do. If it's design, I'll look through some old Communication Arts magazines, if it's crafty things I have a ton of books and magazines that will spark ideas. I have some links on my site that help spur my creativity. Maybe they will help you too! My problem is, I get lost in looking at all the ideas, then I'm confused even more about what to do! ha.